Nobody wakes up wanting to go before a camera. We have heard every excuse, fear and loathing for the process. Therein lies the biggest challenge a photographer of people faces. Not the lights, the lens or the buttons but knowing how to settle, interact with and create the space and time to allow that split second POP of personality to bubble up before our cameras. It is in that 1/125th of a second that the magic happens, often without the subject even realising it.
"Anyone can take a photograph. The art is to capture a moment, and see what one else sees." Daniel J-Killoran
This portfolio sample of single headshots are taken from shoots in offices, studios, on the street, outside buildings and on the job. Some use lighting, others daylight, but they all need rapport or its all for nothing.
We are experts at this, which means we can be 'in and out' in a flash (pun intended) with minimal disruption to the working day. Yes, airbrushing is a given and included and we do take requests as long as they are achievable! Requests to look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie will be rejected :)
Pricing is PER PERSON with a discount per person for 5 or more SINGLE HEADSHOTS.
£125 / person (inc. 3 best headshots, air-brushed and delivered in colour, black and white, LinkedIN size ready, Email and Print size ready. Delivered via a download link.
Contact us on 07711 665898 or email